Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An introduction...

Dear Reader,
     Though I hope to create this blog, as an expression of my views, in as close an alignment to Absolute and Universal Truth as possible, I hope that you, the reader, will verify what I have written here through your own experiences and research.
     This blog will use the modern, over-used crutch of validation that is sourcing as possible, but it is not necessarily a rule of mine.  Sourcing, in my opinion, is an off-spring of the American form of education that teaches by memorization and not experience.  The example I would offer would be:  You can tell me that two dimes equal twenty cents, but can you tell me why?  You may be able to offer a source, but if you don't know the context or expression of the fact, you truly offer nothing.  This is why, as best I can, I will fall back as much as possible on a more classic form of philosophy; what I see around me, I will describe and analyze through my own cultural and social reference points.
     You will find my views on government, health, mind, body, and society.  I will come at these opinions from the prespective of a white male from the lower-middle class/upper-lower class.  I can only hope that the reader will at best find agreement in my opinions, and at worst, have an open-mind to question how my opinion has come to that conclusion.
     Finally, feel free to you all, common brothers and sisters in world, to contact me in messages, comment to my pages, and most importantly, to constructively criticize my words.

Franklin Fehrman

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